Feeling Stuck in Your Career?

🌟 Welcome to Your Next Chapter! 🌟

Hi there! I'm

Adrienne Valencia Garcia

I'm so glad you've found your way here.

As a certified personal and executive coach, my mission is to empower professional women like you who feel stuck in their careers.

If you're ready to break free from limiting beliefs and step into a life that truly lights you up, you're in the right place.

Together, we'll navigate the challenges, unlock your full potential, and create a career and life filled with purpose and passion.

Let's embark on this transformative journey and make your dreams a reality.

Your most fulfilling life awaits!


Do Any Of These Sound Familiar?

  • You didn't get the promotion

  • You're not being recognized for your work

  • You feel undervalued or underpaid

  • You're not sure of your next move

  • You feel like you've plateaued

  • You're in your comfort zone and don't want to risk failing

Ready for the Great News???

You are NOT alone!

I've been exactly where you are. I had done all the right things in my career, yet I felt unfulfilled.

I gave work my all and people knew they could count on me, yet I was passed over for promotions.

I was always on and firing on all cylinders, yet I did not feel valued.

I made it a point to always ask for more - opportunity, compensation, exposure, yet I was not content.

The biggest problem was I did not know what I truly wanted. I stayed because I was comfortable.

The flexibility served me well and I did not want to risk starting over building my brand someplace new.

Then something amazing happened . . .

I hired a coach to help me crystalize what I truly wanted - not only in my career, but in life too.

That was the best decision because I learned how I was self-sabotaging for fear that I might fail!

Despite all of my achievements over the years, I had hit a self-imposed wall built of limiting beliefs:

From not believing I was good enough,

To thinking it was too late to make a change,

To waiting for the "perfect" opportunity,

To indulging in perfectionism (which conveniently kept me from taking action), and

Feeling fearful, inadequate, anxious and confused.

Turns out having a coach on my side was the missing element I didn't know I needed!

Now I am focused on sharing the transformative power of coaching to help YOU rewrite the negative stories that are holding you back.

Working with me will help you:

  • Eliminate spinning in confusion, self-doubt and inaction

  • Identify the limiting beliefs getting in your way

  • Get clarity on WHERE you want to be and WHY

  • Craft a detailed roadmap to your vision for yourself

  • Get there faster!

  • Find YOUR sweet spot of personal fulfillment

  • Share your unique gifts with your corner of the world!

  • Live YOUR best life

Ready to Learn More???

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